Scarlet Espresso

Region: South America, Africa & Indonesia

6/acidity 8/body 8/character

Tasting Notes

This is what we believe espresso should taste like. Even when tasting some of the best espressos out there, we can’t help contorting our faces when we hit that inevitable bitterness/sourness. The Scarlet offers a lush sweetness throughout. Intense dark , slightly spicy cocoa notes, blend perfectly with hazelnut and butterscotch as the thick crema coats your mouth. The body offers hints of coconut and a lingering crème brulee finish, smooth to the very end.

About the Coffee

A blend of four different coffees, this is the coffee we have spent the most time perfecting. Roasting and cupping different combinations and variations (exhausting work right?) we were one day blessed with what came to be know as the Scarlet. Blends perfectly in milk, and it has no equal as a straight shot or a macchiato. Enjoy.